Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tagging through the grime

I understand that some graffiti is about adding (applying paint, paper, light, knitting to surfaces) and some about taking it away (scraping into subway windows, etching into paint, peeling a message into paper).

Today I saw a very satisfying example of the latter variety: Someone had tagged the 7th Avenue subway stop walls by cleaning their name into the grime. The New York City subway is notoriously filthy--most every visitor I've spoken to concurs. So seeing how the signature layer of sooty grease had been cleaned away to reveal, in the bright white tile, someone's stylized signature, struck me as genius, not to mention free. And, at the rate those walls get cleaned, this "wash me" approach is probably more permanent than many spray-painted tags in public places. Go Semz.


  1. Hi dear! It's good to know that you'll keep on writng here. It's very pleasant to read about your experiences in Brazil. I'm glad to have done part of it, in some way. I'll put a link on my blog, ok? By the way, it's me, Aline. Beijos!

  2. So glad to know you're keeping up your blog- such a great way to follow you in your adventures. After reading this post, I'm going to investigate the Paris metro- I'm sure it's just as dirty!
